Friday, February 6, 2009

We ain't on Kao San Road any more Toto...

If there's a heaven this is what it looks like.

To be precise, after two days in Bangkok (which was good, but nothing to really write home about), I am now in a place called Tonsai. And it is beautiful. Right by Railay if anyone's been there...

Tonsai is a mecca for rock climbers and with good reason - the cliffs here are spectacular. Huge, covered in dark green vegetation, surrounded by white sand beaches and clear blue waters.

So clearly I am now an expert rock climber. And by expert I mean I did it once. And got to the top. Like a big girl. Damn skippy.

I could be here for a while: the people are amazing (locals and climbers)..and gorgeous (rock climbing does goooood things for a body apparently!), the accomodation is cheap and comfortable, the beer is plentiful...need I go on? Truly a slice of paradise.

Pictures to come. (although I can pretty much guarantee they won't do the place justice).

PS: my bungalow neighbours are a family of monkeys. Four of 'em. Cheeky buggers.


  1. Hi Camille - look forward to following your travels!

  2. Ah, I'm so excited for this trip! Woo hoo... It'll be like reading a book. We need pictures on the asap

  3. Hey Camille! You've just begun and I am ready drowning in jealousy! Can't wait to hear more (esp. about these rock climbers....)!

    p.s. My lack of French makes me feel inadequate even within your blog! (yup, I was stalking your comments...sorry 'bout that) HAVE FUN!

  4. Hm, sounds nice, but from what I hear the neighbors are just a bunch of chimps.

    Why oh why didn't I take the blue pill.

  5. salut l'amour de petite fille a moi!
    Skiing in Whistler suddenly seems like a boring exercise! Mais bon Maman et moi en revenons: not much snow but enough toski and surel more than in Tonsai. Neo is in fact Julien.
    Bisous mon coeur

  6. ahhh kao san road. what a crazy place. hope you at the 20 baht pad thai :)
    Well, it sounds like you're having a good time without me. Glad to hear. I hope you meet plenty of sexy climbers, both men and women. enjoy the beaches. That clear blue water is something to relish.
    I can tell you're smiling, so keep it up

  7. fasten your seat belt dorothy, cuz kansas.... is going byebye.
