Thursday, August 20, 2009

Melancholy Mood

Since my arrival in Sri Lanka, I have been living with three guys in this amazing house in a beach town called Hikkaduwa.

Comfort Villa. Home away from home.

The guesthouse in and of itself is rad, but what has made the experience here incredible has been the company.

-There's Rikas, the guy who helps run the place. 26-years old, out to have a good time, living 'for today' (as he puts it), and determined to make sure we love Sri Lanka. He's doing a good job.

-There's Siemen. Dutch, a social worker in Amsterdam and the most honest and wonderful human being.

-There's Greg. American, backpacker, world explorer and lover of life.

And there's me. We rock it, we're a team, we support each other and let each other be ourselves with no judgements and total appreciation.

Yesterday, Greg left for Austria, and today Siemen went back to Holland.

This is the part of travelling that I hate.

Meeting amazing people and developing relationships with them, learning and exploring and having adventures and just LIVING. And then they leave, or you leave.

Sometimes you might see them again. But most of the time, when you give a last hug as the train pulls out of the station, you know deep in your heart of hearts that those moments you shared were just that.


And now they're over. Nothing but a memory remains of those people you loved and laughed with.

Beautiful Goodbyes.
I'm getting really sick of them.

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