Monday, November 1, 2010

A Day in Paradise:

It begins at sunrise.

The sound of waves lapping at the shoreline a few meters from your tent pulls you out of sleep and into a dream.

Rubbing sleep from your eyes, stretching out the muscles that still ache from yesterday's climb, you step out of the little grey tent to greet the warmth of another day in paradise.

White sand and bits of coral tickle the undersides of your feet.
A gentle breeze kisses your suntanned skin as you step into your bikini.

Five steps down the dunes and you plunge into the clear turquoise waters, warm even at this early hour of the day. You do a few strokes out towards the rocky islands that dot the horizon, then turn back to shore.

You slowly make your way to the one bungalow that stands on your secret island. A bungalow where piping hot coffee and toast with jam and nutella sits waiting for you.

Eat up.
You will need all the energy you can get for the big day that lies ahead.

Morning routine complete, stomach sufforcified, you head back to the tent and grab ropes, quick draws, shoes and harness.

Gear in tow, you move to the fishing boat that waits for you at the shoreline, its yellow and orange painted hull bobbing in the gentle Malagasy waves.

White birds of paradise dance overhead, and as the boat heads away from shore, you spot dolphins playing in the swell a few meters away.

After a morning of climbing on a sacred island where the former kings of Madagscar have been buried, the same citrus-hued comes to collect you and bring you back home lunch. Of course the food is ready and waiting when you arrive.

You eat.
Then you nap.
Then you wake up and snorkle around your home for about an hour. In this hour you spot a turtle, a giant purple octopus and about seventy five different varieties of tropical fish weaving in and out of the corals that spread out below you.

You step out of the water. Stand in the sun for about five minutes until your bathing suit is dry and the salt beings to itch your ever-darkening skin.

Grab the gear. Go climb some more routes.

When your arms and fingers can no longer take it, you go swimming again. Or read a book. Or play the guitar. Or talk to the other 6 climbers who share your paradise home. Or just do....nothing.

As the sun begins to set, you all gather together for a meal and a strong glass of rum and mango punch. Tonights dinner features a squid and five fish with an unpronouncable name. All were caught only a few hours earlier>.

Share a few laughs. Watch the sky change from deep blue to purple to black. Witness the rebirth of ten thousand southern hemisphere stars.

Wander back to the little grey tent.



Welcome to Nosy Andatsara.

Welcome to Paradise.


  1. Hi gorgeous! thanks for sharing.. sounds like you're living the life that I've been dreaming of :) enjoy and be safe! xoxo

  2. I wish I was in paradise!!!! It sounds absolutely amazing :)
