Saturday, December 11, 2010

I'm askin' why

Home... again.

Broke... again.

Unemployed... again.

Re-entry shocked.. again.

It's never easy to come back. To re-enter this world; to become reacquainted with rules and responsibilities after months spent wandering freely (though not aimlessly!) amidst the beauty of our universe.

Going back to the start, attempting to rebuild all that was pushed aside in exchange for a taste of adventure.

Choosing the open road, an unknown ocean, the possibility of endless novelty instead of constant comfort.

It's a choice not everyone can understand.

I admit, it may seems strange.
Why leave comfort and security, why abandon everything you have worked for, why the constant desire to leave all of THIS behind just to chase the sunset?

"I just don't get the motivation to travel endlessly.
Or climb.
Or... whatever... it is.... you do" was the way one friend hesitatingly articulated their confusion to me.

"I just don't get why you DO it" he said, his eyes imploring me to explain.

For me, the answer is simple.

"I do it because it's what I love."

End of story.

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